“It is important to realize that being close to Jesus and knowing him in the Eucharist through your service at the altar, enables you to open yourselves to others, to journey together, to set demanding goals and to find the strength to achieve them. It is a source of real joy to recognize that we are small and weak, all the while knowing that, with Jesus’ help, we can be strengthened and take up the challenge of life’s great journey in his company.”
Pope Francis, Address to Altar Servers [August 2015]

Sunday Altar Servers
Throughout the centuries, the priest-celebrant has been assisted by other ministers. These ministers carry out duties which both help the priest and enhance the ceremonial of the church’s liturgy. The altar server’s ministry is unique in the Catholic church. Other than priests or deacons, no one else is called to so closely play a part in the celebration of the Eucharist. When one serves at the altar, one serves Jesus Christ and the people of God.
Any child from either the C.C.D. Program or from Saint Rose School who has received First Holy Eucharist (usually the end of Second Grade) may be trained as an altar server. Altar servers will be trained periodically and commissioned for service to the parish.
For inquiries, please contact Parish Office at 330.545.4351, or by email.
Adult Funeral Servers
Due to the general timing and the commitments of the children who are trained as altar servers, Saint Rose Church utilizes adults as altar servers as well. In particular, adults serve at the altar for Masses of Christian Burial. Adult servers are held to the same standard as all other ministers who serve at the altar.
This ministry is open to all Catholic adults of mature faith who seek to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through the liturgy of the church and who have the time commitment and availability to serve during these liturgical celebrations.
For inquiries, please contact the Parish Office by phone at 330.545.4351, or by email.