“The Finance Council fulfills a role of particular importance in the growth, at the level of the Parish community, of a culture of co-responsibility, of administrative transparency, and of service to the needs of the Church.”
From: The pastoral conversion of the Parish community in the service of the evangelizing mission of the Church document [7.20.2020]
“It is the function of the Pastoral Council to investigate everything pertaining to pastoral activities, to weigh them carefully and to set forth practical conclusions concerning them so as to promote conformity of the life and actions of the People of God with the Gospel.”
Saint Paul VI quote

Finance Council
Saint Rose Church Finance Council
The Finance Council is composed of parish members who are experienced in financial, business, and other related matters. The Finance Council will assist the Pastor with decisions affecting the financial concerns of Saint Rose Church. The responsibilities include: monitoring the monthly income and expenditures, developing annual budgets, implementing measures to address unexpected developments, informing the parish community about the financial state of Saint Rose Church and overseeing long-range financial planning. The Finance Council should meet at least once a quarter and occasionally with the Pastoral Council to collaborate on the financial and spiritual well-being of the parish.
Members of the Finance Council are appointed by the pastor and serve a three-year term that is renewable once.
Canon 532
The pastor represents the parish in all juridic affairs in accord with the norm of law; he is to see to it that the goods of the parish are administered in accord with the norms of Canon 1281-1288.
Canon 537
Each parish is to have a finance council which is regulated by universal law as well as by the norms issued by the diocesan bishop; in this council the Christian faithful, selected according to the same norms, aid the pastor in the administration of parish goods with due regard for the prescription of Canon 532.

Pastoral Council
Saint Rose Church Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council is a group of parishioners that serves as advisers to the Pastor. The Pastoral Council is a visionary, consultative, planning and evaluative voice of Saint Rose Church. They strive to build a community of fellowship and engage in a continuous process of pastoral planning, which takes into account the needs and priorities of its parishioners, the Catholic Diocese of Youngstown, and the local community. The Pastoral Council meets every other month and on occasion with the Parish Finance Council to collaborate on the spiritual and financial well-being of the parish.
Members of the Pastoral Council are appointed by the pastor serve a three-year term that is renewable once.
Canon 536
If the diocesan bishop judges it opportune after he has heard the presbyteral council, a pastoral council is to be established in each parish, over which the pastor presides and in which the Christian faithful, together with those who share in pastoral care by virtue of their office in the parish, assist in fostering pastoral activity.
Pastoral Council Meeting Agenda
The most recent Pastoral Council Meeting Agenda may be viewed by clicking here.