The Altar Memorial List, the Memorial Saint Candles, and Mass Intentions are wonderful ways to honor the memory of our loved ones and friends who have gone before us. The Memorial Saint Candles burn for one week beginning on Fridays, while the Altar Memorial List is read on the last Sunday of the Month at the 8:30 AM Mass. Special Altar Memorial Lists are published for Easter and Christmas. Mass Intentions are limited to two (2) per deceased person, and may be offered at any regularly scheduled Mass on either Sunday or during the week. Please download and complete the attached form. The completed form(s) should be returned to the Parish Office by placing it in an envelope marked “Intentions” in the Sunday Collection, dropped off at the Rectory, or mailed to the Parish Office. It is important to note that all requests are not finalized until confirmed by the Parish Office.

Holy Mass Intentions & Memorials